Friday, June 5, 2015

Technology Leaders to Follow on Twitter

Twitter is a great platform to share new and interesting information to so many followers.  As an educator, it is a great way to quickly find great resources and ideas to get you planning creative lessons. Following other educators, technology leaders, and librarians is a great way to stay on top of what's new and relevant in education today.  It's a quick resource that everyone can easily be a part of.

These technology leaders have some very helpful and interesting information to share.  This is what I really took notice of when checking out these amazing leaders...

Jim Lerman

Many of Mr. Lerman's tweets have links to great resources that you can download for free.  I checked out SEVERAL of his links and downloaded lots of  free resources! This is just one of the great resources I checked out. It's a free ebook with dozens of story starters to use in your classroom.  I think it can be adapted for any level.  Great find!

Gwyneth Jones
Ms. Jones does a great job of showcasing what is going on in her library by tweeting instagram pictures of what the students are doing.  I am very interested in makerspaces, and she had several tweets highlighting what she has going on at her makerspace right now.  Here's one great example of a duct tape makerspace.  Such a great idea!


Buffy Hamilton
After checking out Ms. Hamilton's tweets, I decided she just gets straight to the point of what she is thinking about and shares her thoughts about newest trends in the library in an honest and up-front way.  You really don't have to wonder what she is thinking about the trends of today. In this tweet, she responds to an article about "library pods." A new way of thinking where they now have 6 small grade level library pods instead of one large library.

Tony Vincent

Mr. Vincent tweets about what's new in educational technology. Focusing on new apps, websites, and resources for teachers! This is a great resource to favorite and go back to when you are searching for something new to motivate you and your students.

Linda Braun

Ms.Braun works in a public library and tweets about a broad range of topics that influence young adults, parents, and educators.  She shares the latest news for technology, education, and libraries.  I loved this tweet that is a great reminder about the use of technology.

Kathy Schrock

Ms. Schrock tweets about new products, programs, and tech ideas being used in education today. I found her tweet about a great TabDub video that I thought was so amazing. My students would love to do something like this!

1 comment:

  1. Nice job! I liked the posts you chose-- they look like the apps you identified might be useful to you in your new job!
